Monday, 18 December 2017

sky fall....

Never ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA- over and over again!


Why is the conversation about Kathryn Bigelow's 'Detroit' barely above a whisper?
tbc....just how many documented rapes and/or brutal abuse of innocent women by American soldiers and soldiers all over the world! in both the Vietnam War and Japan in WW2? I'll find the links to some documentaries that may change your mind about things! Now we have started, where on God's earth do we finish?
Anything that moves?!

[if you're gonna steal might as well steal from oneself. Can't go wrong;)]

I can't even steal stealthily from myself as I forget where I put things! 
There is more Detroit there not just my moonlight ramblings....and what's wrong with rambling!? 

Wanna know what's happening in the world and has always happened? That pseudnomic dude John le Carré in the filmic adaptation (or if you still read in Sanskit a hologram..) The Looking Glass War
A disclaimer (Paul Rogers was once an acting teacher of mine...). I was young, naive and hadn't been brave enough to breach the propaganda that all spy films were $#%$#$% !). No. BS!. I was into experimental theater and Ibsen. Wish I'd seen the Le Carré film and not Fassbinder aged..** I wish I'd seen them both. I did see Quiller Memorandum....I guess the 'spooks' got to me before I started thinking ......

Tis totally 'not on' to single out individual actors in such an ensemble Looking Glass War cast. As Oliver Stone (or was it his casting director once said) there are no small roles in movies. I would say there are only ever really BIG mistakes! Anthony Hopkins is fffffing amazing in this movie. His was Anthony Hopkins before Anthony Hopkins who is now Anthony Hopkins. That is no co-incidence in DNA. One must not dwell…. 

The Dinner...

great film food!....but think I'll choose the cheese slice way home on the M34765 with the nice Iranian man who's teaching me....

What's not to like. People being HAPPY!

Miss that SS agent Ig Bliss. Only dude who could still do origami. 

Stranger things.

When time runs out....





Tuesday, 12 December 2017

apropos...nothing really....

In 2009, before Max Clifford’s fall from grace, PR Mark Borowski [sic- what happened to spelling when I left The Independent;) wrote of him in The Independant[sic: “He is an adept distracter who knows how to deliver up a sound bite in an utterly disarming fashion while keeping the media paymaster happy. He’s more than aware that one false move, one slip, could lead to a chain reaction that could negate the final payment of the big cheque”

Mr. Clifford could be very kind and very caring for those 'in the shit'. There was always inevitably a price to pay. Common decency seems a bizarre compliment for Mr. Clifford. Believe it or not. Yet, no more than any Hollywood publicist would have demanded throughout the decades, may I say...


It's a sad sad show...

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Atrocious Hamlet...Jon Stewart !!!!!

I thought and pondered about being 'funny' about THIS but 'justice' isn't funny (unless u r Jon Stewart…did I just kill sr…ahhhhh:…….)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Terrible Hamlet ....Stewart.  Colbert does a great 'Betty' Bacall. ......

Tom Hanks Jury Service

President Barack Obama Jury Service

I am trying desperately to be 'funny'….but all I want is to shoot watermelons in the air with Sr. Bill Murray!

[Hanks admitted that he was YI&&^E$%$# 'cause he had a crappy bike in Hawaii on holiday with the 'Pres OB'! And, no, they just used the poor 'HW' smuck to get Pres OMuck…no no no …future 'Pres' Colbert knows that doesn't ever happen…life is sweet….life is Mike Leigh …oh me means-the Canadian schmuck Mike …who knew he would be the alternate Pres….

Zebedee…..what happened …we used to get a good night's sleep…now we are up for all eternity on ….opiods dont't do THAT my brother …!!!

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.

I have to say something.

Far be it for me to dispute any allegations against movie producer Harvey Weinstein. I could not say that the NYT reporting isn't 100% factual correct. I would not say that 100% of the women alleging impropriety from Mr Weinstein aren't telling the truth. It is fact that Mr Weinstein settled out of court several similar allegations from women over the years.

What worries me and is endemic in America (but also the U.K.) is that no-one ever voiced IF these allegations are true. Except for a few lone voices no one wanted to hear Mr Weinstein's side of the 'affair'. It sets a very dangerous precedent when respected A List movie stars can instantly destroy a man's career and credibility by simply voicing their voice. And I would be the first to agree that justice is not always served by the judicial system, rich and poor alike. Should one set a different 'bar' just because Mr Weinstein was a producer of quality movies rather than just money making endeavors? No, of course not.

Victims are extremely brave to come forward especially if they are far from A-list and power. And one can say well why not sooner? In the case of A-list I would certainly ask that question.

The self righteousness of America worries me deeply. NO ONE of Hollywood- even Republicans wanted Trump as President but he won the election democratically. One may argue it was the fault of this or that in the American system. But one could argue that if one were a losing Republican against Obama.

What ever happened to human curiosity? What ever happened to doubt? There is all the world difference between confidence and self righteousness. The latter will sink you faster than stones in your pockets.

I have mused a lot about all this. But they should remain unspoken. And this is not to do with
Mr. Weinstein really but It's a crying shame that in this 'politically correct' modern world the mere act of innocently sending someone flowers can so easily and willfully be misconstrued with stalking.

It's a gorgeous autumn (or is it 'Spring' day) in NY today, and has been for over a week. I was making 'notes' in my garden [I know I should be so lucky, lucky...] and thought of Vaughan Williams' birthday. The Lark Ascending was inspired by a poem of the same name written by George Meredith, which tells the tale of a skylark singing an impossibly beautiful, almost heavenly, song. Vaughan Williams was working on The Lark Ascending in 1914, just as World War I broke out. He was on holiday in Margate when a young boy spotted him making notes and thought he was writing a secret code, so he informed a police officer and the composer was temporarily arrested in case he was a German spy!

Plus ça fffing change…..

I mused a bit more.
None of this is an apologee for Mr Harvey Weinstein. But when I think of the scumbags, liars, fraudsters etc of America. Hello! Who would you rather have dinner with. Even that sounds 'cheesy'. I know. But Mr Weinstein changed Hollywood. He fought for a Hollywood that may just have said something about the world you hadn't thought of. Still. (He fought for Bully so that the kids who WERE could see the film- I'm not getting sentimental or any such. But I totally believe that there is a clique (and I know totally it exists) that just wants the same old. Same old. It never wanted me quite clearly. And it loved the Weinstein money just wished it didn't carry political weight. It's true!

!                 !

Every night I take the pills that allow morning break
Such indulgence break such morning….
So oft I think.
Please. Nobody asked.
So oft it is the pleasant day
When no cloud is astray
Today a wood pecker scrambled his way
No ants upon that tree nor branch
Nor was there yesterday
Flattery to think you came my way today
But flattery to think I sat all day…..

Please do not ask.

℗Andrew9.30pm Oct 12 2017

Friday, 15 September 2017

The Land of Might-Have-Been

The Land of Might-Have-Been - Novello/Marsh

to think i almost had part in that movie....better thus!..,,Sire Robert Altman.....

R the Devils masking as Angels ! ?

Normally I am not 'up to the minute' with news. But somehow/times news hits you.

I know that District Line underground. It would have indeed be packed. Even more my observations after many many years. Whoever perpetrated that 'attack' was cowardly. No: I am not paid by Pres Trump! Even if he employed me I would have my own mind and go tell home to 'ffff' himself if I disagreed.

The travelers on that line are not wealthy (and even if they were w/could you distinguish between cowardice and valor!?). They are struggling to survive in an unfair world. Just as you. Still! Whoever U R Mr Terrorist is very very misguided. You will most probably always. But in THIS instance you attack/try to kill the ONLY people who would ever give you a legal hearing. WHAT did you hope to achieve beyond your own self indulgence in terrorism. Not to say that many 3rd world nations don't do exactly the same! Hello! You believe your so-called democracy is greater/better than..! Get real.

If one/you wish to engage in acts of terrorism then state your demands! Is that not so Mr Gerry Adams! No-one may wish/will accede to thus: but at least the world knows what you WANT!

And Cressida Dick: you r still a DICK for 'whitewashing' the Menezes 'affair'. I can't believe a human jury would allow that.


None of you have legal recourse (well indeed prove you alas go…) to scapegoating those who don't 'tick the boxes'. !

London Has Fallen

You all just angered the giant o the mountain.! Was just thinking that H.Irma met the leopard seal and was distracted by landfall. As T.W. once spake you are innocent when you dream....

The Garden... 

Friday, 1 September 2017

plus ça change...

Utah Nurse Arrested for Refusing to Give Patient’s Blood to Police

Trump Reverses Restrictions on Military Hardware for Police

If I hadn't been highly suspicious of human motives before, then living in the olde America REALLY ramps up 'the anti'. Screw Trump. No..not literally ..that is so so sos obvious where THAT is coming from. Dare I say YOU had it coming !

MY question is did President Obama know the extent of NSA surveillance and was he just 'going with the flow' on that'! ?

The NSA inspector general's highly redacted chart showing privacy violations.

Timothy H. Edgar defended privacy as an ACLU lawyer

I am not remotely interested in taking sides. BUT: I am damned if YOU expect ME to condone what amounts to and has always allowed a consent to liberal Fascism that is nothing more than a Freudian rejoinder for the Right (ever seen a circle of dissent?)

I know the water...I'd be more than happy to drown. !


The Horrifying Effects of NYPD Ethnic Profiling on Innocent Muslim Americans

London Met Police

Me didn't realise how easy it was for such 'guardians' to get the better of themselves when I was doin' the recycling at 5am one morn before my Yoga class and was arrested/handcuffed/imprisoned albeit 30 sec away from my residence-my only crime: an empty tote bag (once full of newspapers) and the keys to my residence 20 secs away. They didn't even bother to check my residence! How may bullets would you have used to kill me U BASTARDS like Menezes if you had had the chance! F U!

The MET even tried to fake a cocaine test!  I've never done that in my life. ! Tried to make me sign a consent form at 5.30am that morning after a swab test. !  F U. You owe me mucho compensation.
And I will get it ! BASTARDS !!!!!

P.S. I know- I was very angry last night. Always think that it is better to get such things 'off one's chest' rather than let fester. This was back in 2010 or thereabouts. And I believe that 80% of law enforcers (at least in the Western world) are honest. Am I being too generous? But bad apples of 20% can cause a helluva lot of damage. It is one thing for a civilian 'bad apple' but one that is in uniform and a position of power!  It only takes one to blight all.

And I still believe Menezes was a whitewash. Highly Israeli trained marksmen needing to shoot over a half dozen bullets into their suspect within roughly a 15ft range in a small confined underground carriage. Don't insult our intelligence!

Monday, 17 July 2017

I'm glad I'm not young anymore....

Me haves a crazy idea: why don't you make ME the UK Prime Minister! I am seriously way under-employed. I am a British citizen. I lived there for decades. I could fly in occasionally and Skype from Gibraltar. Get Boris J or Jeremy C or both to shovel the shit;) !  And Jermey Paxman could make them 'take the can'. I could have been PM of Australia. Whether the CIA would have tolerated another Gough …..They don't have Rubelli fabric for my curtains there do they:) !

Seriously: the UK is not united. But they need to talk to each other. And when they exit Europe they need to be a thorn in the continent's side to remedy change. Not an outcast.

You should see the hits I've taken over the decades. I feel like that ship in Passengers. No wonder I start spewing out frozen donut flakes to macchiato 1st class!

Amy Winehouse (everyone wishes: wake you up forever !:(((!
(14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011)

how frozen donut flakes become nuggets of gold in the right hands....

Next up on tonight's programme....:!} :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Well- it wouldn't be the BBC without silent levity.

Friday, 23 June 2017

the rules don't apply....

What is weird about America? Could that same question be asked the U.K.? Should be an exam question and my website on the syllabus! ;) What…

David Lynch ….kinda et al, not that there is an 'al' equation. The whole financial system. OK- shooting myself in the foot- well: not really. I discovered a couple of great UK films from the 70's/80's. The Internecine Project couldn't be more apposite today if it tried! Ahhh- just joking. Trump has everything under control. Including the CIS ! And the AFB. I think the CBI is a health clinic in Wyoming….wondrous minds. Changed. As if that CIA scheme of the 30-s-70's that is my memory changed gave free instruments and 'health care' to drug addled musicians? The doc that the Raindance Fest bravely championed. I remember! I have a post-traumatic recall dream: Teresa May dancing with Malcolm McDowell in the fields of Elsyium. And there is Lola Kirke as the Blue Fairy! What happened to the world when I was dozing?

In olden days…anything goes….

[as an addendum June 28: The truth is stranger than fiction. A few nights ago I actually dreamt of me and Trump (should that be in reverse?). I was floating (flat bed style) about 10 foot above ground at a 'something'. Can't remember what. Trump just stared as if: what the 'f' are you doing here. I floated on. Came to ground in front- not behind. Can't remember what. Fronted security and for some reason did a Michael Jackson starjump 'here I am'! A blank after that. You'll think I am making this up. But it was a real dream. So here's the deal. First dream free: thereafter psychoanalysists- howsabout a great deal- $1,000 per dream. A bargain when you look at the dross out there! Never a dream about Putin thusfar. Hope springs eternal as Chekhov said:) ]

Credit Score is equal to The President in America. Just three companies controlling your life. Who needs the CIC! It's all about working 'the system'. …PAYWELL for further success! :)

Dreams are wonderful, equally illusory. They can be 'munchkins' throwing 'cherrios' at each other or sheer shards of revolution. Interesting that a cooling fan in 95 degree heat 2 foot away during sleep can sculpt dreams in such strange ways. True. You sleep, you wake, you sleep and it all seems one and the same as your mind makes semblance. Scary!

It would never happen in, umm,  Iceland:) !

Just trying to regiment your summer eyes and eyes….there is a great little something that you would have thought that the BBC would have thunk. Piano Puzzler. My perfect Brit Adolphe candidate Stephen Johnson- if only he could play the piano that well;) Have a heart- he pretty much wipes the floor when it comes to music appreciation!

A film Loophole with a cast to be wowed at (the trailer in retro does rather sound like a self help drug ad;) !. Vincent Canby of the NY***! washed it off his very clean hands in a 5 sec. review.

Well: it may not be Bresson (Robert or who was that other Frog geezer…?) BUT: would all of these great actors (well many not the stars they are all now, pace pace, ucc e uccelini have gin through with that movie with mediocre 'suits' pulling the strings? Sounds totally plausible in 2020! 

Ah! - just blew my retirement fund:)

Something called The Proms about to burst? Let me check them all out. Can never trust musicians, they tell the world a truth…..

{Hint: The word irony no longer exists in the American syllabus. The word awesome is predominant. Without irony.}

Tap Your Troubles Away  

OK- FREE ANDREW PROMS GUIDE (disclosure- I never ever received any free Proms tickets-nor asked such)

A bold statement but the BBC Proms is the greatest music festival in the world- its duration, its breadth, its triple A talent. Many other great opera, classical, contemp music, jazz etc fest. but the BBC Proms! 

Forgive the shorthand, but the following you would very unlikely get a seat anywhere in the world in the sold-out house even London:

July 25-Jarvis Cocker and friends: Scott Walker

Aug 25- Riccardo Chailly

Aug 28
La clemenza di Tito
Mozart's last opera with some of the most sublime music of all time. You can 'YouTube' it but to hear those notes live is an experience that you will never forget.

Aug 30
Renée Fleming joins Sakari Oramo and the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra for music by Barber and Strauss.

Sept 1
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra returns to the Proms for the first time in almost a decade, under Chief Conductor Daniele Gatti. Bruckner Ninth Symphony
Sept 2- Mahler 4th

Sept 4
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and Manfred Honeck perform Mahler’s First Symphony
{I know you'll be amazing! Don't screw up Pittsburgh. You'll get the Irish Spring soap treatment over your bows on return if u do:) !}

Sept 7
Daniel Harding conducts the Vienna Philharmonic- Mahler’s Sixth.
Daniel Harding was on the scene eons before Dudamel. Long time ago. Harding conducted Mahler's uncompleted 10th in Berlin just after Giuseppe Sinopoli died. Never to be forgotten.  In fairness maestros.
then later that evening, Prom 73: András Schiff performs Bach’s The Well-Tempered Clavier

Sept 8
Pianist Emanuel Ax joins the Vienna Philharmonic for its second Prom this season, under Michael Tilson Thomas.


Sunday, 28 May 2017


In Manchester, elsewhere in Europe: life lingers on….

Who needs the mellow, non-trouble-making ME at Cannes when you have The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw to ruffle just a few feathers;) ! We haven't seen anything yet- his dynamite! If looks could kill....

Life goes on; film is come?


Wednesday, 24 May 2017

MANCHESTER: May 22, 2017

The Manchester ISIS suicide bombing is horrific. Does the event really need Albinoni's Adagio to illustrate grief?  Is the bomber a 'loser' in President Trump's word? Yes- very clearly. What would he hope to win? The problem for Western civilization lies in that we do not promulgate enough the lack of investigation into the loner/losers? Not all loners are losers and vice versa. And neither, necessarily, equates to acts of terrorism. I would equate ISIS 'losers' with those 'shooters' who one day randomly in an American town fire an automatic weapon shooting innocent people indiscriminately. The media condemns the 'shooter' to be outside of our 'winning' society. Clearly not is he nor she. But 'they' are very much a product of Western civilization, particularly American. Few want to hear let alone investigate their story. If one did something may well be learnt. These individuals are voicing something from within. Some coerced by prevailing media others by others.

Every religion over the centuries has used extreme violence to vindicate its being. It has not ceased to this day. The solution to this problem lies not in Alan Turing cryptography. And yet strangely it does in a parallel world. Is one looking for similarities or differences? The problem nowadays is that everyone is a suspect if they even err with a spelling irregularity!  We are placing ourselves back in the hands of an Enigma machine. Yes: everyone is flawed. Most do something wrong. Somewhere. Sometime. Most (disenchanted) will at the first opportunity use that as cause to use the prevailing winds to 'dis' their 'hated' fuelled mostly through pure jealousy and dis-enfranchisement. Hello: Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Hello- post 9/11. If continue ignoring and failing to understand our human coding then we are sunk.

Could the ISIS debate use a Lawrence of Arabia? Possibly not. But possibly a parallel world akin? Kelly Reichardt made a film Night Moves. Julia Loktev Day Night Day Night. Movies that totally challenge the status quo. Of what lies beneath. Filmmakers wanting you to consider a world where dedicated people of belief do something you will never approve of. The film maker does not condone those actions nor empathize. Roman Polanski's film of the stage play Carnage challenged. So too the TV series Big Little Lies. How could such be relevant? All too so, alas, although it may not immediately seem so.

Maybe there should be more Muslims in American banking! There is another way. That would and could make money too. Sovereign Wealth Funds ...hmmm..ok...but what about Sovereign Credit Unions. Unthinkable? Power to the....? Unthinkable!

A Whole New World

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Every day a cia death....


Wikileaks: CIA has tools to snoop via TVs

let me tell you: The Russians AND the Americans have been doin'/tryin' that since the 1960's! 

Le Carre/ Stella Rimington sell millions (ok...the latter some catch up..). Whistleblowers get sent to purgatory. Such is our fff'd up planet. Can't wait to die going to Homestead (after the big cheese gets mucho fries if we all die in transit thanks to a giant cheese meteor)

Thursday, 9 February 2017

every day a------... , , , :-

MRI pioneer and Nobel laureate Sir Peter Mansfield dies

Every Day a Little...

The Show Must Go On

Oft expectation fails, and most oft there
Where most it promises; and oft it hits
Where hope is coldest, and despair most fits.
- All's Well That Ends Well (Shakespeare)

The show!

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Let's go sailing.....

Mr President Obama: you are ffffing awesome. And I rarely/hate use that word unless it is used in its proper Middle English context-wish I needed a pardon for Old Norse! They seemed to have had a great time. At the bloody expense of others.  Prime Minister Tony Blair asked for mea culpa over 'you know what':  'Ooops: I (and my advisors) had some bad 'trips' over that few years.' ! Oh really?!!! At least Nixon tried to get America out of Vietnam (I know-very arguably...). That's another movie.

A war that should never have been fought by America. I do not believe that President Obama condoned (or ever did) the actions of Chelsea Manning. The media buzz suggests that you do. There is so so much more to say on that, and how the NSA and major US telecommunications companies flagrantly violated the Constitutional rights of millions of Americans (not to say Europeans), who should not? be treated as she was? Arguable I know ...but......You, Mr President did not condone those actions either. But will 'they' ever believe you? We do. We know.

but I've been immersing myself in the art world all day. So I only just heard. I rather have my phone switched off when I am with art. Sounding like an old fogy I truly believe you breathe better.

I'm stunned. Thinking what else to say. Good thing I don't tweet: I'd been given loads of 'bs' bird seed at Christmas for being a budgerigar instead of the eagle that I am.....!-:)

Guessing the White House food budget will decrease immeasurably from Jan 20.  Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag.

what care!: Some fowls to be shot because they bit the farmer's balls. Like he could ever get it....!
That being said: how many of the younger generation have read Orwell's Animal Farm? French novelist Michel Houellebecq was just a writer raked over the coals because he saw real life coming.

They don't want to hear the truth Jemima Puddle-Duck (again......!--)
..ever considered pretending to be dead in the water?

Did all those lives (both sides) really have to be lost on Okinawa?

Who of the younger generation remembers Daniel Ellsberg?  Was what he did right/wrong/another? He braved the sea. But never a sailor. Never a lighthouse keeper. The sea is the most beautiful, deadliest adversary. Even to those who, may, rightly claim its shores; in a world darkly well away from the foam.

I'd Rather Leave When I'm in Love

and: this- is a song interpretation for those do they talk?.....

Tweet or Moaeow , Moo...?  ;) Suddenly, one fine morning...I knew.

Nothing seems to matter anywhere in the world. Nowadays. Anymore. I know. Everybody is fine. Well: 'BS'- THEY and WE and YOU all are NOT! The 'bs' suffocates. !

Some more Eydie Gorme. WHO?! 100 more times brilliant than many some performers. But few ever care. They never did. It is all/and ever was about kissing the arse and making money. Well: let ME tell YOU. It was NEVER that. There is something called beauty and art that may not build new mountains, may not alleviate the suffering of millions, but at least those qualities allow the world to breathe a little longer.

Sunday, 1 January 2017

A terrible beauty is born

Hacksaw Ridge opens UK wide Jan 27.

In a 12 hour period Desmond Doss saved 75 men single-handedly in the WWII Battle of Okinawa, conditions of hell.

to be continued... Perhaps...

photo courtesy: Tree Service of Nashville

The Poplar
A tall slim poplar That dances in
A hidden corner
Of the old garden,
What is it in you
Makes communion
With this wind of autumn, The clouds, the sun?
You must be lonely Amidst round trees
With their matron-figures And stubborn knees,
Casting hard glances Of keen despite
On the lone girl that dances Silvery white.
But you are dearer
To sky and earth
Than lime-trees, plane-trees Of meaner birth.
Your sweet shy beauty Dearer to us
Than tree-folk, worthy, Censorious.

Ivor Gurney

I saw things in Iraq that didn’t line up with my idea of being a soldier.

The truth is always stranger than the fiction....

.....A Boy From Texas

                                                              Ample make this bed.
                                              Make this bed with awe;

                                        Sibelius: Symphony No.5-Finale

Allegro molto not vivace or presto? Feels like a brisk Finnish canter to me…but what do I know about Finland;) (The speed of a canter varies between 16 and 27 kilometres per hour). Bernstein's much later version with the Wiener Philharmoniker still has vestiges of that fire but is non piu molto.  I can't imagine Bernstein heard Karajan's 1960 Philharmonia Orch recording. There are similarities. The final pages both totally !! Both different. Both Brit orchestras. Where would he find time! I remember hearing a Mahler 9 on radio and wondering who the 'f'! is this! Utter awe. I should know! I mean I should know! But I didnt'/couldn't. It was Bernstein. In point of fact, Bernstein's Sibelius London tempi were almost the same as Eugene Ormandy back in 1954. Is Philadelphia like London?;) But again-the arc will always be different. Or are the animals always: just ever so slightly different. This is becoming so much more fun than reviewing for, say, The Gramophone. G forbiddy: time on one's hands....I can say what I want;) You know what that is like Bernadette! Wish I had a green lizard and could be allowed to blow my its horn Lola☺ Andrew SHUT UP:! 

Now Horenstein is interesting (Northern Brit orch- how Sir Simon Rattle started...though Birmingham...rather THE Birmingham) And Rozhdestvensky makes it a fascinating mix of Sibelius meets Shostakovich meets Tchaikovsky. (I worked with Rozhdestvensky-like u do/did;) Sounds like a Malcolm McDowell tape for ...what is that TV series...?
Can’t find a Furtwängler Sibelius 5th. But there’s the Violin Concerto from 1943. Legend has it that Furtwängler once stormed out of a Toscanini concert, cursing the Maestro as a mere "time-beater." Interestingly, the recently deceased Sir Colin Davis and the Boston Symphony are very similar in tempi to Bernstein's. Davis (or Sibelius;) even manages a profound hint of Scarpia’s death in Tosca. Davis was so generous with his time at the Royal Academy of Music.

[Kulenkampff  tangent: Robert Schumann's Violin Concerto in D minor almost never saw the light of day. In 1937 Georg Kulenkampff gave the premiere of the rediscovered work. It was written in 1853 for  Joseph Joachim who never performed it. After Schumann’s ‘health problems’ and death in a sanatorium in Endenich, Joachim never let go of the manuscript. Why we shall never know. Clara listened and the Violin Concerto was neglected from the Complete Works edition. Joachim stated in his will that the work never be played until 100 years after his death (1956). But a 1933 séance in London attended by Joachim's two violinist grand-nieces channeled a message to release the work to the world.] Unbelievable!

And Brit Barbirolli /Halle oft makes one long for Texas with that Copland-esque brass. ! (Nothing without the wind, though) More American than Lenny B. All depends how you direct the blow...(musical term..) 
Go figure;)  
Tchaikovsky in Texas: sounds like a great idea for a 30min ep classical music TV show by a monolith company that sells books to folk who no longer read books.  ;)

...what does – Misterioso – Un pochettino largamente – Largamente assai – Un pochettino stretto really mean? Can ANY ONE SAY...Could you ever know what happened in that family?!! Whether it be human/animal/mineral/vegetable: how could you know? 

I guess Frank Sinatra was the most over-rated singer in musical history! Some Came Running. More Came Running. (btw- there isn't a Sinatra painting First Lady Nancy Reagan in your 'attic' that you could bequeath to my BrilliantAdventures ART Collection:).....Guess it is a little late to ask. There is a line one must never cross without descending into the abyss: to totally be a Dante. Andante moltisimo.;) ....The Butler

How could you ever know?!


                                               Birds of a feather

May I ask you allow me to be totally musically/politically incorrect and quote THIS. ! If it had been written by Elton John or , or , or , OR: then you would probably/maybe think of it totally anew. The lyrics are timeless....but they were flown by a bird of another feather....

Tell Me on a Sunday ....

does anyone know how to write lyrics of pain to heal anymore: Mr Tony Bennett?! After all these centuries does the soul still need- a seal of approval...!

Love, design, tension, composition, light, balance: __________________________________________________-