Monday 22 September 2008

Robert Hughes' The Mona Lisa Curse that examines how the world's most famous painting came to influence art, gets a blog from me all on its own. Watch the programme and you'll see why.

His eight-part exploration of modern art The Shock of the New (first shown on BBC Two in the 1980s) gets an airing on BBC Four this Saturday. DO NOT MISS.

(P.S. I feel very like Robert about British social housing (not even remotely as interesting as art and no canapes! [let me fix something, break it, and fix it again so I can make a profit sub-contracting...or let me make your life a misery because you don't buy into the 'socialist/capitalist' dream type of social housing] particular my experiences over the last 6 of London's and Britain's largest social housing associations Dominion Housing Group. What can I put of them in formaldehyde and make a profit? [hommage- no offense Damien]

F*** them! ...onto Mark Rothko. [I shouldn't have bothered wasting my paint on my housing association walls]. They painted over Goya too didn't they....
Plus ca change...
{I don't press the send button unless I know what I'm doing....)

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