Thursday 4 September 2008

And this Barack Obama Daily Show spoof really is funny:
Barack Obama: He Completes Us (August 28, 2008)
The Republican one's funny too: leadership races to the Gulf Coast to show their empathy, their delegates are left abandoned in the Xcel Center.

Obama nomination: the end of America's racial divisions? (Channel Four news)

Vogue India's controversial feature: poor villagers in designer clothes

Author David Lebedoff argues that Evelyn Waugh, the eccentric party-loving social climber famed for his biting wit, and George Orwell, a dour socialist, were in many ways 'the same man'.

And spare another thought for the bees, who've already figured on these pages, as their populations in Britain massively decline.

BBC's Newsnight science editor Susan Watts joined a team studying Arctic plant and animal life as the ice melts away.

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