Tuesday 24 February 2015

make the moments fly

How good does it ever really get?! Lady Gaga singing hits from The Sound of Music at the Oscars thence to be embraced by…oh..yes: that is REALLY Julie Andrews. OK- we could have done with a little more Edelweiss but heck: that’s a man’s song…frickknn equality and all that…but you can’t sing Matthew McConaughey! Bejsssica yes yes you can…freaky how talented everyone is at those awards…

Little quiz: if you put 6 great composers/lyricists ‘whatever’ you know in a room and made them represent the last 6 decades…wouldn’t this guy be one? Or wasn’t my high school math just not so great?

What about CitizenFour and and.. 'they' cry: There's a waiting line please Ms Poitras and Mr Snowden? This is America: it certainly ain't 'just' but arguably it is 'fair'. Oh- sorry it's London. Different 'kettle of micro-fish'.

So Mr Snowden: you were saying about the collusion between the world's greatest banks and the world's greatest democracy...please continue...

Yes: I totally understand that you would rather watch a documentary about a totally unknown nanny who 'snapped' ordinary folk whilst perambulating the 'kinder' whilst surrounding herself with newspapers by dint as opposed to pixels. Or that you'd rather reminisce about the Wim Wenders days {addendum: Mr Wenders stated at a MoMA Q&A that Sebastião Salgado (Curzon Film World-July 3) was his FAVORITE photographer (just tryin' to keep it real...;):.....wait a minute no you wouldn't! We would though! ....You're not 'Ed'! 

For a night upon London town where 1664 meets 2014, the totally immersive theatricality of English National Opera's co-production (with Teatro Real Madrid) of Purcell's unfinished opera The Indian Queen is hard to beat. Director Peter Sellars talks here with the Russian co-producers. And on the BBC Feb 25. Change we can believe in? Forever slow and forever painful. Ever thus.


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