sorry for that- but you know why I wrote it. (Anyone ever seen The Parallax View- great movie [and of course a total work of fiction,,,,,////,,,,,,,/,,......)......./.....)
I used to be an architecture 'cat' roaming the 'buzz' of the Architectural Association in London. I know the 90s buzz became a bit of a 'purr' in the new millennium but Zaha Hadid's ghost forever roamed the windmills and corridors of those students' minds. And will mine as well...
لتكن القوة معك
we are talking architecture NSA- not something any of you know anything about. (Well- one or 2 of you know structural engineering- but you pale into insignificance compared to Zaha's intel...) - well she's gone now. Good night and good luck.
Both Sides Now (originally was linking to Shadows and Light but there's something quite 'personal' about the former song that is probably somehow in a very unusual way more apt for Dame Zaha Hadid).
Zaha Hadid. The Peak Project, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China, Exterior perspective
Maggie's Centre Fife
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