Sunday 17 May 2009

not dead just wrestling my flippers

Lars von Trier's Antichrist at Cannes 2009 - Telegraph review with a gorgeous photo from Anthony Dod Mantle's cinematography and it sends The Guardian's Xan Brooks "into a vortex where the line between the real and the reel has ceased to exist". Most other critics didn't experience such transcendence.
Economist Robert J Shiller (on BBC Radio 4's Start the Week)argues that finances are not led by mathematical formulae but by our 'animal spirits': Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism

The World Cinema Foundation's first line-up of several restored films can be viewed for free on The Auteurs website.

45 min conversation with novelist AS Byatt on BBC Radio 3's Nightwaves (13 May).

(14 May):
Samantha Morton's directorial debut The Unloved, a television film based on her own experiences of growing up in children’s homes and Charlie Kaufman on his directorial debut Synecdoche, New York.
Philip Seymour Hoffman talks on Radio 4's Front Row (13 May)

Mariah takes off make-up for Cannes role in Precious, a grim tale of a teenage girl, abused by her father in Harlem.

Glyndebourne at 75
on BBC Radio 3's Music Matters

2009 Turner prize nominees
including the amazing copper sulphated South London council flat.
Tracey Emin is: 'I’m more interested in ideas than sex'. Those who suffer Love opens Thurs.
The Independent article
'Kryptos' and Dan Brown: Inside the CIA's code of secrecy through sculpture
The London gallery scene is going through an interesting period of transition

Art’s a scream at the Tate Modern but i think i kinda got there first...
House of Fairy Tales and Luigi Nono's music for tape and soprano for Tate's UBS Openings: The Long Weekend 2009

William Forsythe interview with video from his dance piece Scattered Crowd

more soon,,,

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