Saturday 24 November 2007

Australia’s Labour Party has just swept to victory after 11 years (4 terms of office, second longest serving PM) of John Howard’s Liberal (Oz Conservative Party equivalent) Party rule. New Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has pledged to withdraw all remaining Australian troops from Iraq. Rudd served as a diplomat in Beijing and his all-important policies on Asia will be keenly watched around the world, though in general his foreign policies are unlikely to change radically from his predecessor except for the climate change issues. A big day and big deal for the Ozzies!

And District Line tubes are pretty f**ked today (Monday). Over running engineering works. Minor delays (minor being anything up to 20 minutes or a lost limb I suppose)on the Ealing Broadway branch. Hmmm

Anyone remember the Oz Tourist Board having to explain/delete the 'bloody' from their ad campaign 'Where the bloody hell are you?'

Film ads banned for glorifying guns

Life goes on. Just.

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