Monday, 18 December 2017

sky fall....

Never ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA- over and over again!


Why is the conversation about Kathryn Bigelow's 'Detroit' barely above a whisper?
tbc....just how many documented rapes and/or brutal abuse of innocent women by American soldiers and soldiers all over the world! in both the Vietnam War and Japan in WW2? I'll find the links to some documentaries that may change your mind about things! Now we have started, where on God's earth do we finish?
Anything that moves?!

[if you're gonna steal might as well steal from oneself. Can't go wrong;)]

I can't even steal stealthily from myself as I forget where I put things! 
There is more Detroit there not just my moonlight ramblings....and what's wrong with rambling!? 

Wanna know what's happening in the world and has always happened? That pseudnomic dude John le Carré in the filmic adaptation (or if you still read in Sanskit a hologram..) The Looking Glass War
A disclaimer (Paul Rogers was once an acting teacher of mine...). I was young, naive and hadn't been brave enough to breach the propaganda that all spy films were $#%$#$% !). No. BS!. I was into experimental theater and Ibsen. Wish I'd seen the Le Carré film and not Fassbinder aged..** I wish I'd seen them both. I did see Quiller Memorandum....I guess the 'spooks' got to me before I started thinking ......

Tis totally 'not on' to single out individual actors in such an ensemble Looking Glass War cast. As Oliver Stone (or was it his casting director once said) there are no small roles in movies. I would say there are only ever really BIG mistakes! Anthony Hopkins is fffffing amazing in this movie. His was Anthony Hopkins before Anthony Hopkins who is now Anthony Hopkins. That is no co-incidence in DNA. One must not dwell…. 

The Dinner...

great film food!....but think I'll choose the cheese slice way home on the M34765 with the nice Iranian man who's teaching me....

What's not to like. People being HAPPY!

Miss that SS agent Ig Bliss. Only dude who could still do origami. 

Stranger things.

When time runs out....





Tuesday, 12 December 2017

apropos...nothing really....

In 2009, before Max Clifford’s fall from grace, PR Mark Borowski [sic- what happened to spelling when I left The Independent;) wrote of him in The Independant[sic: “He is an adept distracter who knows how to deliver up a sound bite in an utterly disarming fashion while keeping the media paymaster happy. He’s more than aware that one false move, one slip, could lead to a chain reaction that could negate the final payment of the big cheque”

Mr. Clifford could be very kind and very caring for those 'in the shit'. There was always inevitably a price to pay. Common decency seems a bizarre compliment for Mr. Clifford. Believe it or not. Yet, no more than any Hollywood publicist would have demanded throughout the decades, may I say...


It's a sad sad show...