Monday, 17 July 2017

I'm glad I'm not young anymore....

Me haves a crazy idea: why don't you make ME the UK Prime Minister! I am seriously way under-employed. I am a British citizen. I lived there for decades. I could fly in occasionally and Skype from Gibraltar. Get Boris J or Jeremy C or both to shovel the shit;) !  And Jermey Paxman could make them 'take the can'. I could have been PM of Australia. Whether the CIA would have tolerated another Gough …..They don't have Rubelli fabric for my curtains there do they:) !

Seriously: the UK is not united. But they need to talk to each other. And when they exit Europe they need to be a thorn in the continent's side to remedy change. Not an outcast.

You should see the hits I've taken over the decades. I feel like that ship in Passengers. No wonder I start spewing out frozen donut flakes to macchiato 1st class!

Amy Winehouse (everyone wishes: wake you up forever !:(((!
(14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011)

how frozen donut flakes become nuggets of gold in the right hands....

Next up on tonight's programme....:!} :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Well- it wouldn't be the BBC without silent levity.