Thursday, 8 September 2016

the magic show...

yet another boring day, an excursion to a museum…;)

Two of Britain’s top museum directors resigned this week and today: the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Tate. In America the Great even Hannibal dances a Ländler when the Brits get a show in New York. Andrew knows very very little about the fall out of Brexit. What I did know was that an exit would be total chaos, resentment and anger at those who embraced a bigger world. Those who would be totally shunned and totally un-acknowledged for their tireless efforts at holictity. I know. I know. Gravy trains blah di blah di blah. But would the gravy breed any more protein in the long term without unification? Chancellor Helmut Kohl promised more than the moon upon German re-unification. He lied. He knew. He knew that an East German economy 25 years at least out of sync would be a problem. But nobody would have wanted to hear that? Nobody would drink to THAT. So he lied. Or rather, perhaps, he dreamed.

Most working men and woman don’t have the luxury of dreaming. Many of my dreams are nightmares. I don’t imagine many others share a difference. The trouble are and always will be with dreams is that those with a will to power and manipulation will usurp utilitarian dreams.

Museums are not filled with monsters nor monstrosities. That, maybe oftentimes, is the realm of a waxwork museum. Museums are filled with the everyday of our human life. Sometimes the everyday wondrous. Sometimes: the everyday magic.